These are the words a PR man must live by, and Quirk has done the job.
Spend any amount of time in the newspaper business, and you'll quickly lose track of the hundreds of PR people who aren't worth the threads in their own shoelaces. The flip side of that equation, of course, is that you can count on one hand the number of people who excel in the position.
Quirk is one of those people I count on my hand. Problem is, PASS doesn't always see the need for someone who is media savvy.
At some point last season, Quirk and PASS had a falling out. Quirk isn't usually one to tell tales out of school -- particularly to some snot-nosed little racing writer -- so the details of that divorce have remained somewhat muddled. Suffice it to say, through piecing it all together from a variety of sources, Quirk and PASS president Tom Mayberry disagreed on a few things, Mayberry turned to the bigger PR monster at 51 Sports and Quirk was out.
While Quirk was out, a few things happened in 2007. Or, better said, a few things failed to happen -- namely, press releases and results were not getting out to media outlets. If you weren't willing to subject yourself to what Speed51.com purports to be journalism and motorsports coverage (you know, as long as you're one of its clients), you could find the results a day or so later.
At races, there were no entry lists, no media kits, no starting lineups and, if you weren't quick enough to tackle a scorer with a copy of the finishing order before they left the tower, no results. From April through mid-June at Unity Raceway, I received exactly ZERO in the way of literature from PASS.
For those of you that may or may not care, that's no correspondence on behalf of PASS with the one media member who regularly covers its events. You can read between the lines.
On Sunday morning July 1st, my first interaction of any kind with a PASS PR representative came as the sun was coming up. That morning, I'd written about how Kyle Busch had been wrongly credited with a PASS North Series win less than 6 hours earlier at All-Star Speedway.
A few minutes before 7 a.m., Bob Dillner approached me in the media center at New Hampshire International Speedway. Diller, the SPEED Channel reporter covering the Nextel Cup Series, is the founder of 51 Sports and, as of then, handling PR for PASS.
After first telling me he hadn't actually read the entire article (uh, rule no. 1, Bob, at least do the author the service of reading something in its entirety before quibbling with it), he told me what I wrote was wrong (again, without having read all of it) and followed up by lecturing me on how I should have done my job. Imagine that -- the guy who erroneously broke the story in 2006 of Richard Childress Racing teams using tricked-up shocks in the 1st race of the Chase that year lecturing me on responsible journalism. It was laughable.
I told Dillner that until PASS reversed its decision, I was absolutely right. Dillner said that something would likely come about "in the next few days." I said until that happened, I wasn't going to back off my story. Dillner told me he hoped I'd write something more positive when a decision was announced. I told him I always called it like I saw it.
Two hours later, Mike Rowe was officially credited with that victory as Busch was stripped. I did not hear a word from PASS (or Dillner) in the aftermath. PASS has since (in a good move) divorced itself from Dillner's 51 Sports.
The next time I heard anything from PASS? When Mayberry asked Quirk to help him out with some press releases in August.
Not coincidentally, PASS coverage has been easier to come by in newspapers, in trade papers and on the Web since Quirk was brought back into the fold. There have been timely press releases and results from PASS, not just for the Super Late Models, but also for the Modified and Sportsman divisions, too, which were essentially ignored previously.
The upgrade in coverage is entirely Quirk's doing, and it shouldn't be overlooked. Officially, Quirk still doesn't have a job with the series -- he's simply being used as a "PR consultant."
It's time to remove that label and put him on the payroll. ACT gets a ton of attention in New England, in part, because its PR staff is second-to-none when it comes to being both accessible and personable. They have information, they are willing to share it, and they are available when you need anything and everything, both at the race track and away from it.
Without someone like Quirk, PASS boasts none of the above. With someone like Quirk, the media remains more inclined to pay attention to all of your series, because they know where to turn when they have questions.
The job of a PR man can't be an afterthought, not when people have so many entertainment choices these days. A PR man who's on the job can have a direct impact on the perception of a series.
In these parts, there are few in that group.
Glad to see I'm not the only one to notice the failings of Dillner's little group. That they consider their website "journalism" is not only a conflict of interest, but laughable.
I have on occasion called out one of 51 Sports "reporters" for a lack of "getting the facts straight". Well this "reporter" was at the '07 Milk Bowl and somehow managed to credit the wrong driver for winning the 3 segment and having contact with Joey Pole coming out of turn 4 on the last lap to win that segment. Kind of a big deal because it almost ended up being a turning point for the eventual winner Patrick Laperle.
For the record it was Dave Pembroke who had contract with Joey Pole in the last corner of segment 3 to take the victory in segment 3. If you go to Speed 51, it was erroneously reported to be a different driver. Oh well, I guess I should just be happy they got the overall top 3 correct.
Not that he won’t do a better job than 51 Sports, but Mr. Quick has had some credibility issues in the past as well.
I have never met you in my life. We have never spoken on the phone or even exchanged e-mails. I was the only person covering the Milk Bowl for Speed51.com this year, so when did you "call me out"?
I watched what happened with the #25 of Dave Whitcomb and Joey Pole in turn four, so I'm not sure what you are talking about. I'm not above making a typo here and there, so maybe that is the case, but I'm not sure what you are referring to.
As far as the top three not being correct, you are right. There was confusion at the finish of who the top three were and I was providing live updates of the race, so that is correct. I went by the information provided to me from track and series officials. In fact, they even started technical inspection of the wrong car after the race and took about 25-30 minutes to figure out the correct finishing order. So my instant updates reflected that.
You can contact me at Twist@speed51.com if you have anything to discuss on this matter.
As far as what is contained in Travis' blog, I'm still pretty stunned. He is entitled to his opinions, but there are several things that I know to be factually incorrect that he states. I have always respected Travis, enjoyed hsi stories and even considered him to be a friend - ever since he was in Connecticut and our paths would cross at Modified races. So I only hope that he was given inaccurate information from a third party.
- Mike Twist, Editor - Speed51.com
Third party? How would info and getting chewed out by Bob Dilner be third party?
Travis is just stating a fact, Pass press release were horrible until Quirk got involved again.
Mike I read your articles and enjoy them, but your boss leaves a sour taste in a lot of peoples mouths. He should stick to the allmighty nascar and leave the short tracks to the people that truly enjoy it.
Unless of course he steps aside and puts Wendy Venturini in his spot...lol
I was not commenting on a discussion between two people. I wasn't there and reading about it today several months later is the first that I heard about it. Mr. Barrett or Mr. Dillner would be the only two people who can accurately talk about it and you'd have to ask for their sides to know what happened. I'm not too concerned about it.
What does concern me however are the actual facts that are incorrect. There are several of those in Travis' entry. Again, I've always thought very highly of Travis and his work so I must assume that his sources were wrong. I don't want to go and bad mouth anyone unless I know the facts.
Also, you mentioned that the PASS releases were horrible until Bill Quirk got involved again and you are entitled to your opinion. I personally wrote about 90% of the 51 Sports releases that went out and I've alwasy been proud of my work. But maybe you think that I'm a horrible writer. You have the right.
But then you said that you enjoy my articles. So I'm confused. Were they bad or good? Once again, you're entitled to your opinion and I know that I'm no Bones Bourcier, so my feelings won't be hurt. I just didn't understand that.
As far as Bob Dillner goes, I wonder if you have ever talked to him personally. If you have and that's how you formed your opinion, that is great. You have the right to think what you do. But if you haven't, I can share what I've known about him for years - before I ever worked for him in fact. This is someone who has been successful in the sport of auto racing and makes a very good living in the top levels of NASCAR. He remembers where he came from though and tries to give back to the short track world. We're talking about someone who looks for short tracks to go to and watch racing at on Friday and Saturday nights of Cup weekends. I know he enjoys the sport.
I just don't understand where this hosility comes from. If people would actually take the time to see what really goes on and meet some of the people involved here, you might have a very different opinion.
- Mike
Let's be honest here Mike, while 51 Sports may cover short track racing well, let�s not forget about the fact that its coverage goes against the grain of all tenets of fair and objective reporting. The fact that certain individuals pay money for public relations from the company and then get the bulk of the coverage says something about the foundations of 51 Sports� journalistic credibility. Not calling you out in particular, just saying, if you�re going to defend what it is, why not be a little more upfront about what it �really� is. It�s a front for a public relations company and that fact alone makes everything on that site tainted in some way, shape or form. The byproduct of that fact is that the work of every reporter on that site is thusly brought into question for its true legitimacy because behind it all, someone is paying for positive coverage.
Mike, What i meant by horrible is that they were not submitted to the new media, or on their website. Yes, speed51 had a lot of the updates etc, but website, and other media was not kept up like it has been in the past.
To answer your other queston I have met Bob Dillner in person, twice, once as a fan and once as a track sponsor. And was not impressed either time. Especially as a sponsor. But that is my impression.
I alos do not belive a Marketing company should also be a news source. I believe it hurts their credibility when one of their clients is on the shall we say questionable side of an issue. I just think that is a conflict of interest.
Say driver x is also a client of speed51 and he gets into a wreck with driver y who is a client of an opposing marketing company, right or wrong the perception will be that driver x gets a favorable write up in speed51 on his side of the story. Maybe it is not true but you have to admit it does come into question.
Now Travis works for a newspaper, and whether you agree with him or not, (sometimes I do, sometimes I don't) But, he does not have a conflict of interest when reporting on driver x or shall we say series x compared to series y.
Speed 51 can not say the same thing.
sorry long day, can't type tonight...
I'm uncomfortable with this post turning into Mike Twist bashing. Twisty is a good person and a good worker; that is not what is at issue here.
What the issue is, of course, is what Speed 51 asks its trackside reporters to do. One cannot effectively cover a race from a 'journalistic' standpoint at the same time as sitting in a press box handing out releases, media kits, lineups, results, etc. And, it should be pointed out, that's NOT what Speed 51 wanted Twist to do.
That being said, it's a bad move for PASS to put itself in that position. Race results and a story a day later on some other company's Web site (in this case Speed 51) doesn't work for the media.
It's called a NEWspaper for a reason. It's not an OLDspaper. Having to go look for results somewhere, first of all, is a burden on most sports desks -- and people on those desks who don't care about auto racing aren't going to search out the results. And they are definitely not going to do it a day later.
It's not about Twisty; it's about Speed51 providing PR that isn't really a service for PASS, but a means for driving traffic to its own Web site and PR sites. It's not only a conflict of interest, but it's incredibly wrong.
i wasnt trashing twist, I read his columns. I was blasting his boss....
Travis, Mike Twist has the same conflict of interest. He writes press releases for series & teams while also wearing the “reporter" hat. You can't have it both ways.
And to set the record straight a second time; In the 3rd segment on the last lap it was Dave Pembroke in the 44 car who spun out Joey Pole and won the segment despite what was reported in error on Speed 51.com Milk Bowl leftovers.
The observant people saw Pole, Laperle, and Pembroke battle for the lead on the last lap and the record books show David Pembroke as the 3rd segment winner of the ’07 Milk Bowl, not David Whitcomb.
Its error prone reports like the Milk Bowl coverage which is why I don't consider Speed 51 a legitimate news source (alone with a huge conflict of interest that they have for clients and promoting races).
Andy, I gotta say that ACT gets a pretty fair shake with coverage coming from Speed51. You to want to crucify them for messing up on the last lap of the third segment? Well, I dont hear you crucifying Tom/ACT for messing up on who was in victory lane accepting third place (Dragon) and who actually got it (Whitcomb). Mistakes happen, get over it. There is usually a story about an ACT race posted at Speed51 fairly quickly, right on the front page with the other touring series and some events get the "live updates".
That being said, I do understand that there is a conflict of interest and an integrity problem when you are writing press releases AND reporting on events related to them. For example, Kalle Oakes took a job with OPS so he no longer reports on auto racing for the SunJournal.
Maybe this is the most important point of all. Regarding Speed51, when I read a Speed51 race report, I dont think of it as being "without bias" because they do PR work for PASS and some drivers. I am glad they get race reports posted quickly. Usually I can get the information I want from it. If they say something like "after a terrific 20 lap battle for the lead driver x, passed driver y for the win" I take that with a grain of salt because of thier PR links. If you want to do PR work, thats fine. If you want readers to considered the report "fair and balanced" then become a news agency.
Funny part is all you people that bash the reporting and the work of speed51, I'm sure have it as one of your favorites and I'm sure visit it frequently. You may not think it's credible, so why bother even going there? If you don't think they're responsible journalists, why go so far as to read their stuff then bash them?
I'm sure Travis will admit that as a reporter, you do everything you can to make sure everything's right when you write something. Sometimes it may offend people. Sometime mistakes are made. If a reporter can honestly say they've never made a mistake, then by all means brag about it. That's just a part of the job.
You can watch any crash, and just like drivers do, every set of eyes who witnessed the crash saw it different. I wasn't at the Milk Bowl, so I don't know who was at fault, but what does it matter? You folks who relied on Mike's live updates on speed51 during the Milk Bowl or any of the PASS, ACT, Modified, Busch East, Southern Super Late Model stuff or whatever else races they've done those updates at probably find that to be a far bigger help than a hurt because it allows you to keep up on what's going on if you can't go to the track.
Basically it's just like anything else. If you don't like Speed51, stop going there. If you don't like the convenience of watching the live updates when you can't go to the track, just wait to read about it the next day. Or better yet, buy a ticket. It's quite simple, really.
And if you couch reporters feel you can do a better job, start a website of your own and try to do the coverage that speed51 does.
And no, I don't work for them or anything. Just a fan/crew member for a NASCAR team down in NC born in New Hampshire who appreciates what sites like speed51 do for short track racing.
Just for the record, I sent Mike Twist an e-mail list of every daily and weekly newspaper in Maine at the beginning of the season. So it's not like he didn't have the information.
Basically, he's a nice guy. But his dual role with Speed51.com and PASS is definitely a conflict of interest.
When I worked for Unity Raceway a few years ago, I ceased all motorsports coverage except for the track's results.
Even a multi-talented writer like Twister can't serve two masters.
You are correct on one thing Andy. I made a mistake.
My notes and the Trackside Now coverage of the race had the correct Daves in the correct roles, but when I was typing out my leftovers I crossed my Daves up. It was 100% my mistake and I have corrected and noted it in leftovers.
I'll admit that my short term memory leaves a little to be desired lately and I've needed to rely on my notes more often. I attribute that to having a newborn daughter in the house, and the resulting lack of sleep, rather than any conflict of interest though.
If I read you correctly, you were suggesting that a conflict of interest led to my error? Gee, I'm not sure how that makes PASS look any better. I'm not sure how that discredits ACT or the Milk Bowl either. I made a mistake. That's all.
As far as a perceived conflict of interest, I guess that I'll address that too. In a perfect world, there would be clear lines drawn between everyone, but in today's world that just isn't the case. We have professional sports teams that are owned by newspapers and television networks that are owned by the sports teams that they cover. There is the 800-pound gorilla of advertising when it comes to newspapers, and anyone who thinks that ad departments have nothing to with the editorial department of a newspaper is sadly mistaken.
So we do the best that we can. We have very clear policies at the 51 companies about being fair, balanced and accurate. We don't hide any of our clients and clearly tell the world who they are so that a reader knows the full story.
I don't see any case where I have compromised my objectivity because of a client. I've written about driver clients who have been involved in on-track altercations. I've written about DQs and on-track incidents in PASS that management probably would have rather been avoided.
The bottom line is a simple one - if you give both sides in a situation the chance to state their case and you go and report their quotes, there is no editorializing. That's the approach that I strive to take. The reader is smart enough to form their own opinion.
As an interesting sidenote though, I'm finding out that those who preach the loudest about the integrity of newspapers and newspaper-owned entities seem to have a problem when it comes to giving both sides of an issue their perspective of a story.
So to clear things up, there has been no "divorce" between PASS and 51 Sports. Ask Tom Mayberry or Bob Dillner, who own the two companies involved and they will tell you the same thing. Apparently, there are other people with their own agendas who seem to want to start rumors.
Mike Lange,
I remember adding you to the distribution list after you offered some very good suggestions on deadlines and such earlier this season, but I never got that list of newspaper contacts in Maine. I'd find it very helpful though if you still have it and wish to share it with me.
One final note on the conflict of interest thing - I have my opinion and everyone else is entitled to theirs. It is a very complex issue and I thinking disclosing and debating things are a great thing. The neccessary evil here is that for Speed51.com and 51 Sports to survive and do what we feel that the fans like us doing, we need to be able to generate revenue. A newspaper needs to sell ads too. How we all go about that can be up for debate and it is an interesting point. Just remember, we live in the real world and have real world challenges. Not everything can always be about ideals.
Twister: I took all the e-mail addresses from this link. However, it's only for Maine newspapers.
There's a better-than-even chance you didn't get it. Some of my e-mails are dumped into Spam folders. For some reason, the filters think that Roadrunner is a form of virus. Oh, well.
In any case, I've hung up my clipboard for good. Motorsports is no longer as much fun to cover, much less attend as a fan. I've seen more bad races this year than good ones. Next year, I'll see even less.
There are plenty of web sites that supply news of the racing on the east coast. If speed 51 does such a poor job as some suggest then just go elsewhere and let the people that pay the bills worry about if it is a conflict of interest or not. I'm sure the Dillner's are not getting rich from there web site and just do it for the love of short track racing.
I have a lot of friends that have moved down south and the only way I can find out how they and there teams are doing in a timely manor is by Speed51 and Mod Series Scene live updates. So thanks for all the effort and hard work every one puts into doing these live updates.
May be its time for people in the north east to start looking for the positive things in racing and not all the negative things. It's really getting old and wrecking the sport I love.
Jamie Williams
Oh, come on, Twisty. After days of trying to defend your character and your work, you're making it harder to do that...
I'm sure no one in the world would care that I have two toddlers of my own who make simple phone conversations nearly impossible -- do I get a free pass for mistakes I've made in the last 18 months now? I doubt it.
And as for conflicts in the newspaper business -- wow. It smacks of a five-year-old on the playground (or Denny Hamlin, not sure which is worse...). "Maybe we have a conflict of interest, but other people have them, too...!"
Feel free to point out one instance -- ONE -- where I went easy on Unity Raceway or Wiscasset Raceway because they advertised in our paper. Good lord.
And, just "to clear things up" on two fronts. I've got 2 different sources telling me 51 and PASS are finished as of this week, and nobody in the advertising department at the papers has ever told me what to write or what not to write. Period.
As I wrote to you in a private e-mail, just because somebody at PASS, ACT or Johnny Clark Motorsports tells me something on the record -- it doesn't mean that it's my job to believe it. That's the responsibility of a reporter, to not necessarily take everything you're told at face value.
If I did that, I'd still believe that Wiscasset Raceway wasn't for sale last spring.
Well, as a fellow writer and journalist... I only have this to say to the author of this article. You say you have two sources that PASS and 51 Sports are done so it must be true. If those sources are not Mr. Mayberry (owner of PASS) and Mr. Dillner (owner of 51), then you have no credibility. Those are the two that only really know the story. And being that you haven't said anything, I'm pretty sure your sources aren't either of those two men.
I, for one, read Speed51.com, along with a number of other racing websites. Do they cater to their clients? Sure they do, but that is what any good business does. But to say they aren't a legitimate journalistic site becasue of that is hogwash. They print and report on stories having to do with non-clients way more than their clients. And in none of their race stories (not press releases written for clients) have I seen them be bias for or against a client or just the everyday racer.
Look at their site today. A top story of Chris Gabehart (a non-51 client according to their list on the site), along with stories on the True Value Modified Racing Series and another Mod Series, neither their clients either.
Look at other stories and you'll notice this.
It's time to stop finding the worse in everything and just be grateful for what you got. I'd like to see people's reactions and outcrys if 51 Sports and Speed51.com jsut totally went away. Sometimes people don't understand how good they got things
WOW..an annonymous journalist!
In your own words...."They print and report on stories having to do with non-clients way more than their clients". Well, it is what it is. Like I said, I take thier race reports with a grain of salt because they also write press releases. What I mean by that is that I can get the facts of the race report, who won, who wrecked, who was leading and got passed. Facts are facts. However, if there are adjectives or opinions in there too...I dont give them much weight. I am thankful to have thier reports.
Well maybe PASS is headed in the right direction. I think that plans are in the works to bring Dan Walker on board for the 2008 season in some capacity to help out with the PR dept. Not totally sure but if it is true he would bring some good racing knowledge to the table and perhaps could finally show his true talents without the handcuffs and very limited freedom he currently has with Beech Ridge.
ACTually Andy... Pole told different.... Hwe was upset because "it was the same guy" who got him both times... I think you will agree it was Whitconb who made contact with him the first time right?... so it seems at least that Pole thinks it was Whitcomb...so I think I just might go with what he said!
touche big boy!
WOW, this is just absolutely hilarious stuff here kids.
Fascinating, fascinating stuff.
Is 51 Sports a fair and objective website with a foundation based in proper journalistic ethics? Not even close.
It’s a PR firm with a neon sign on the door that says “Daily Times.” Is like the laundromat is out front and the dice tables in slot machines are in the back. Dirty, dirty, dirty. It’s about as big of a conflict of interest as there could be. Clients pay a “news” service for positive news.
Mike your argument about everybody having conflicts is simply ridiculous. To compare what Speed 51 does to any newspaper is simply asinine on your part.
You know Mike, I thought I had kind of grown to earn some level of respect for what you do, thinking maybe you understood that working for Speed 51 pretty much painted you in the eyes of many not as a reporter but as a PR person. But that all got shot out of the water after reading all this.
If you truly believe that your work for Speed 51 bears any merit as acceptable journalistically while tied in with the fact that people are paying for positive coverage from the company you work for, well, sadly, your plane of understandings of this business is definitely not at the level I thought.
Then again Mike, you’re the same person who wouldn’t personally back up your own story to me after your own “client” called what you did fabricated. Your answer to backing up your story was instead to have your bosses at Speed 51 go out and spread lies about me for a whole winter. That’s how Speed 51 operates.
Re-read my comment please. I admitted to making a mistake. I used one person's last name instead of another's. Completely my fault.
I wasn't really trying to offer an excuse, but rather try and inject some humor into a pretty bad situation. I can tell you that my mistake in one part of my Milk Bowl leftovers had nothing to do with a conflict of interest. But if I deserve a public flogging for that mistake, so be it. If it makes me a bad writer because I made a mistake, so be it as well. Everyone is entitled to their opinions. It’s the so-called “facts” that have been presented this week that bother me.
I had a feeling that Shawn would pop up here eventually. On a positive note, I've enjoyed your blog lately...pretty good stuff. But I’m not going to take the bait and open old wounds.
I'm willing to debate professional ethics all day long. I went to J-School too you know. Everyone is entitled to their educated opinions. At least I can accept those that are different from my own and not look down on the rest of my field from an ivory tower.
As far as I know, nothing has been decided for 2008 when it comes to PASS PR, marketing, press releases or anything. There are discussions and I’ve been involved in them, but to my knowledge nothing has been decided. Certainly nobody has been fired or “divorced”. Ask the people who make the decisions, they’ll tell you the same things. I still can’t imagine a more credible source than that.
I offer a comparison here. Let’s say that Travis wrote that Jeff Gordon lost his ride in the #24 car. He credits a well-placed, but unnamed, source. But then Rick Hendrick says that it isn’t true. After that, Jeff Gordon says it isn’t true. Finally, Jeff Gordon shows up and drives the #24 car that weekend. Wouldn’t that seem to indicate that the source wasn’t accurate? Wouldn’t you want to follow up on that?
I’ll be at White Mountain on Sunday and I’ll be putting out a post-race press release on the race. I think that pretty much proves what the status of 51 Sports and PASS is.
Heres my opinion on speed 51...
"It is what it is"
I read it to find out what happened at places where I was unable to be....
I enjoy the efforts of the reporters who essentially do about the same thing I do...they are good writers...(better than I am for the most part)
Though I will say that since PASS has had a relatinship with Speed 51, I think it has effected that series and I'm not at all sure it has been in a positive way... I personally wish PASS would go back to what it was before it started "going south" ... it was a much better series without all the NASCAR overtones like the "lucky dog" and the more selective calls and what even seems like a touch of favoritism on calls when it comes to the bigger names... I just wish they would just end this southern division... dosen't seem like they draw any crowds down there anyway so how could they make any money anyway?.... its got to be hurting the quality of the series they present up north... these rumors of PASS racing at Bristol....what next?.... I know its PT Barnum type stuff..but PASS has changed IMO and not for the better... JMO
Here's the biggest problem I have right now, Mike. It's that you've chosen to go on MY site and spread trash about the manner in which I go about my job.
As a professional courtesy, I never mentioned your name once in my original post. Not once, as I said, at that time, I had not a single problem with you or your work.
Now, though, it's all out the door...
And your Jeff Gordon analogy is ludicrous, and here's why. If you want to use the Gordon-Hendrick denials as your example, that's fine. I'm arguing that we're not at the point where Gordon gets in the car next week -- that will come in the spring when, I am 100 percent certain, PASS and Speed 51 will no longer be working together on the North Series.
Period. End of story. We'll see who's "driving the car" then. Talked to Tom Mayberry, and he confirmed there's nothing for 2008. But, I guess, you'll find some other source -- Brian France, maybe -- to say you're right. Good for you. You beat me to the story (wink, wink).
I would hope that to everyone following this little catfight online will see one thing -- I'm not threatened at all by your false accusations regarding my work. That's why I've left up every post you have made. It's so off-base that I can't even believe people would see it as truth.
You cannot win this argument, Mike. It's impossible. You work for a PR outfit, and everyone accepts that. You should, too.
I was not looking for a catfight. There were some things written that were not accurate and even after all of this I will assume that you were given wrong information because I would never blindly accuse you of the alternative.
I asked you if you would follow-up on it. I never asked for a correction or a retraction. I never asked for the story to come down. I just wanted you to present another side of the story to go along with it. You did not want to do that, so I had to respond by using your comments section. I wasn’t going to just sit by and ignore it.
Why is it that you can write something about how my livelihood, but when I try to defend myself, you make it sound like you are doing a favor by not deleting it? It's your blog and if you want to go ahead and do that, go ahead. I think that would speak for itself.
What is going to happen in 2008? I have no idea. It's still being discussed and I've never been shy about the fact that is still up in the air. If you were talking about 2008 in your original entry, I wish that you had been clear about that because I read a "divorce" as being immediate.
I really wish that this whole thing had not happened. If you want to state your opinions on 51, PASS or anything else, that is your right. But it is the presentation of the so-called "facts" that continues to bother me.
We could probably get to 100 comments on this, but what would be the point? I've given my side of the story and you've given yours. I guess whoever reads this can decide for themselves what to think.
- Mike
10bomber said..."It is what it is". BINGO! I am reading race reports by what is essentially a PR company. I understand that and take it for what it is. Based upon his own posts I still dont think Mike Twist is willing to call a spade a spade. But hey, I've got them on my list of favorite websites and check it for short track info and updates.
This has really gotten out of hand. I honestly don't think anyone who is accusing one side of doing something then defending their side is going to win an argument. Mike, Travis, even Shawn and the rest of the so-called "journalists" who have traded printed jabs at one another look foolish in this whole thing. Honestly, if one person is going to call out another for something, it doesn't really add to anyone's credibility as a journalist. Everyone at this point is acting rather immature and fighting a seemingly endless war.
Just get over it, everyone. I'm sure Mike and 51 are going to keep doing what they're doing. Travis is going to keep doing what he's doing. Shawn's going to keep doing what he's doing for the Courant.
Bottom line is, all three of you guys enjoy short track racing and like to write about it in your various publications...media that often forgets about short track racing. There's room for everyone to do so, whether you like it or not. I think everyone, no matter what side you're on, should take a step back and realize that every "journalist" who has chimed in on this subject all wants to write and read good stories from the series that we all enjoy watching.
Realistically, if you notice guys, you "journalists" are the only ones doing this. You're acting like kids. Yes, you're all competition in one sense because you want the most readers to your paper/website, but it's safe to assume that most FANS and READERS(after all, isn't that why you all have jobs anyways?) are likely to read what happened from say a PASS, ACT or Modified Tour race in their local paper and on Speed51 because quite simply they can. So like i said, you're fighting a winless war because you're really all fighting for stupid and immature reasons and letting your egos get in the way of your jobs, which should be rule number one for a journalist not to do.
I think next time you all see each other in the press box you'll realize that everyone's on the same team in this thing...everyone wants to see short track racing succeed and tell the story of what happened on the track.
Local journalism and regional short track racing are both shrinking industries.
There are too many easily accessible alternatives out there for both these days.
All of us -- journalists, PR guys, bloggers, drivers, fans, promoters -- need to work harder at promoting what we do instead of getting embroiled in these pointless you-know-whatting matches.
Or we will all be starving artists in five years, reminiscing about the good old days when a follow-the-leader race at Charlotte wasn't our only choice on a Saturday night.
Hi Travis,
Let me first start off by saying I hope you had a great Thanksgiving. I have read many of your posts on here, Bill Ryan's blog, and also on Maineracing.com. I do not understand why you are so bitter? Not only with Speed51 but with all people Mike Twist? Come on?!?! Mike is a great race reporter, just like I’m sure you will be someday.
Travis, by reading your blogs you are more interested in the TMZ aspect of racing and not what goes on in the race, or on the racetrack. Many of your blogs are well written, but these last few have struck a nerve with me. If you are a “professional” writer why do you not talk to Mike on a professional basis regarding the “fallout” that DID NOT take place between Speed51 and PASS. (Which any other reported would have sent out a retraction story or at least a follow up.) I am sure if there was a falling out, Mike wouldn’t have received a ticket to the PASS banquet in that case.
I have known Mike Twist for three years now. Our first meeting was down at Lee where he was interviewing the Modified winner, Tony Ricci. He came over to our group started talking and that was it! Mike is a very hard working, skilled writer. He loves what he does, as you probably do too. You should respect that. The journalism field is tough and the racing families are tougher.
I usually don’t say things under blogs because after all Travis it is your opinion, it is your blog. But I do not think it is right for you to keep bringing things up that are not true. You should try getting a hold of Tom or Bob. But after the things that have been said on there who knows if they would answer you.
Travis that is all I have to say to you. If you have anything else please feel free to let me know. Have a safe and wonderful holiday season.
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